Not There YET

September 11th, January 25th, and January 6th.

No one knows a date will become shorthand for a world-changing event when they are brushing their teeth and getting ready for their day.

Barely a teenager on 9/11, Catherine explores her journey from small-town Florida to Cairo, Egypt and back, an unexpected road that put her in a country navigating a decision about which direction it would take.

Catherine talks about her perspective on the events leading up to the Egyptian revolution in 2011, the exhaust of hope, fear, and uncertainty it left behind. She also explores how current day America can learn from the events in Egypt, appreciate and protect our democracy, and work to extend those benefits more equitably.

She also fell in love. And met the man that would become her husband.

Not There YET is a memoir about making a different country and culture home, falling in love, living through revolution, and realizing in the process the fragility - and frequent inequity - of all that makes America special. It is about finding hope in uncertain times and a call to action to stay engaged.

  • “A few books have been written in English on the Egyptian revolution over the last decade, but none is quite like this one. Catherine Manfre’s offers the kind of depth and insight only she can muster: command of Arabic and a thorough knowledge of Middle Eastern history and politics.”

    Hamza Hendawi, Associated Press’ Cairo bureau chief, 2010-2019

  • "At first glance, Not There Yet is a historic recounting of the Arab Spring from an expats point of view. Looking deeper, it’s really a love letter from author Catherine Manfre to the United States and Egypt, two countries that have radically impacted the way she thinks, acts, lives, and loves. It’s also a call to action to all those who read it, encouraging us to do what we can to avoid the pitfalls she’s seen happen in both nations. This impactful story centered around hope is a must read"

    Payton Lynch, Author of Rish from the Ashes